Pick a family member, and create a narrative story with them as the main protagonist. It can be short, or long. It can be any type of fiction your can think of. Have fun with it!
Here's an example of one using my cousin Dave:
Cousin Dave was a very simple man. He never worried too much about anything. When we had that last huge deluge of rain, and everyone was scrambling to get flashlights and water, he just sat around and didn't really think any of it was important. His prize possession was his television, and his treadmill. When he used them together, he was extremely happy knowing that he was getting exercise and being entertained. Then…the storm hit.
Here's an example of one using my cousin Dave:
Cousin Dave was a very simple man. He never worried too much about anything. When we had that last huge deluge of rain, and everyone was scrambling to get flashlights and water, he just sat around and didn't really think any of it was important. His prize possession was his television, and his treadmill. When he used them together, he was extremely happy knowing that he was getting exercise and being entertained. Then…the storm hit.