Please use one of your spiral notebooks to complete all of your Blog assignments. At the top of each assignment, the title will always be BLOG # __ . We will review you answers when we meet next time.
This is a grammar assignment. Good grammar will help you with your writing and reading.
Directions: Each sentence below has one or more common nouns. Please rewrite the sentence substituting each of the common nouns with proper nouns. Remember, proper nouns are specific people, places or things. Proper nouns are capitalized.
1) The boy and his father walked slowly past the school to see if the teacher was there.
2) Does the doctor like working in the capital city?
3) For the holiday, we all sat around at a park and told jokes while sipping our favorite beverages.
4) The department store is having a sale on sneakers.
5) That dance is a famous in that country.
Directions: Please change the nouns to possessive nouns in a sentence. Remember, possession means that the noun own something. Example: The doll's arm needs to be fixed. The arm belongs to the doll.
1) boy
2) window
3) witch
4) children
5) seaweed
Directions: Please correct these sentences. Please rewrite the corrected versions.
1) The too men shook hands after the mach was over.
2) Too many people think that to servings of food is two mutch.
3) Its a long day, especially when it's over 105 degrees Celcius.
4) The dog licked it's paws after it ate the bach of cookies.
5) Disco used too be a popular genre of music in the late 1970s.
Directions: Answer this question: What is an article? (not the writing, but the grammar).