Rule 1: Whenever you have an address with a city and state, you place a comma between them.
Rule 2: In the date, you place a comma after the day, and after the number of the day.
Example: Let's plan to go to the market in Galt, California on Sunday, June 9, 2013.
Directions: Place commas where needed.
1) Ms. Bhopla will not be at the library on Tuesday May 28 2013.
2) Jennifer, my best friend, moved to Harrisburg Pennsylvania.
3) Today is ________________________. (Fill in the blank).
4) This year, my birthday is on _____________________________ (Fill in the blank).
5) My favorite holiday of the year is _________, and it is on ____________. (Fill in the blank).
6) The President was born in Honolulu Hawaii.
7) Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta Georgia.
8) Right now, the weather is sunny with a slight breeze in Elk Grove California.
9) Seattle Washington has a basketball team called the Supersonics.
10) The lady's plane landed in Fort Wayne Indiana.