Saturday, April 6, 2013

GWS #34

Quotation marks are used to show what a person or people are saying.  Even if an animal is speaking in a fantasy fiction, the words are separated with quotation marks.
Example:  The sheep said, "We are so happy to be in the meadow."
Notice that there is a comma after the word, said.  Also, the end punctuation is before the second quotation mark.  You capitalize the sentence in the quotations marks.  You don't capitalize if it's not a complete sentence.
Directions:  Please add punctuation and quotation marks in the below sentences.
1)  The lady said in a very high voice is anybody there
2)  Ms. Bhopla cried that is the correct answer
3)  Please return your books on time said the librarian
4)  Why can't we have two recesses asked the third graders
5)  The voice on the loud speaker commanded you may be seated