These questions will help you understand the difference between LOSE and LOOSE.
Click here LOSE
Click here LOOSE
LOSE - something has been lost. Example: Did you lose your hat today?
LOSE - having less points or a lower score than the other winning team. Example: If the boy doesn't run fast, then the team will lose the game.
LOOSE - opposite of tight. Example: The man wore a very loose shirt, that was too big for him.
LOOSE - something is lost or gone away. Example: The dog has run out of the door, and is loose on the streets.
Directions: Make sure you read the above lesson. Next, fill in the blank with either LOSE or LOOSE.
1) There are many cats on the ________________.
2) When you read your anthology, use your finger, so you don't _____________ your place.
3) In soccer, there is always one team that will win, and one team that will ____________.
4) It's a good idea for a student to keep his pencils together, so he doesn't __________ them.
5) The animals were on the ____________ at the zoo because the zookeeper opened all of the cages.
6) Yesterday, the first grader told me his tooth is _______.
7) Today, the first grader may ______________ his tooth.
8) Untied shoelaces are _______________.