Friday, January 17, 2014

Off Track - Zebra #9

Dear Students, we are down to our last two weeks before we come back to school.  Let's make these last two weeks really count!  The way we do that is:  eat properly, sleep on time and wake up on time, exercise daily, finish our off-track packets and do all of the blogs.  You will still have a lot of time left over to do fun things.

Today's blog has to do with analogies.

Analogy is a noun, and it means "a comparison".  When two words are analogous, that means that they have a relationship.  

Example:  Food: eat   What do we do to the food? we eat it?  Then… if the word is water, the next word should be drink.

The analogy would look like this:

food: eat ::  water: drink

Here is another example:

book: read ::  television : watch

Please find the analogies:

1)  mittens: hands ::  socks :  _______

2)  house : live ::  car :  ________

3)  pen: ink ::  pencil :  ________

4)  lemon : sour ::  orange :  __________

5)  water : clear ::  milk : __________

6)  __________ : big ::  ant :  small

7)  __________ : smile :: sad :  frown

8)  __________ : green ::  sky :  blue