Thursday, August 27, 2009

Science Lesson on Cells

Today I got to sub for my Master Teacher. It was a lot harder than my sub jobs in the past. I have higher expectations for myself, and teaching was exhausting! One of the lessons I taught was a science lesson on cells. It is the first lesson of the year, and hopefully I generated some interest. There were really no interactives :( But we managed. I started the lesson by asking students what they have learned in the past in their science class. Then I began to introduce the idea of cells and how we are all made up of cells. Also I gave the example of a piece of hair cut into it's smallest unit, that is called a cell. Somehow we got off topic, and I mentioned that muscles are cells, but we eat muscles. I asked the lone vegetarian in the class to close her ears, while we discussed this. When introducing DNA we talked about the various applications of DNA in the real world: solving crimes, determing biological parents, learning about diseases. It was a full day, and hopefully the kids learned something. I will get feedback from my Master Teacher on Monday. As far as management goes, there were no behavioral problems. Some students became fidgety, but they were quickly and gently reminded to stay focused. All of the students showed me respect and kindness throughout the day. Image from: Stock Xchange