It's been a full week since I started student-teaching at Maeola Beitzel Elementary School. I am learning so much from my master teacher. She is so dynamic, fun, but strict at the same time. I can tell, all of her students love her, and more importantly, respect her. The assignments have been flooding in, and I am working on them as fast as I can. One of the most daunting tasks I am faced with is to create a lesson plan for the English learners in the class. They are usually students who come in with another primary language. They take what's called the CELDT (California English Language Development Test), which assigns them a level 1-5. I will be teaching a lesson from the Open Court curriculum. My master teacher has been extremely supportive and reliable. I believe I know all of the students by first name. I have worked with them individually when we did their fluencies. Everyday, I take roll and lunch count. Today I gave them their spelling pre-test, and graded their end of chapter assessments. It's been a hectic and tiring day today, with class starting at 2:30 p.m. going all the way to 8:00 p.m. I am hanging in there!
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