Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Healer #4

Please complete a commentary for this poem.  Thank you.


How far is there left to go? 
And just how do we cover the distance? 
The days whisper secrets to each other 
When we are not paying attention. 
The years ignore us altogether. 
This is why the wind bites so hard 
In the deepest corner of winter. 
The secrets hold a truth that 
You and I cannot know, at least not yet. 
Something dark, down below us, 
Keeps these secrets and protects them, 
Nurtures and feeds them, 
But not forever, just for awhile. 
We will learn the truth 
Just as the lights finally go out. 



Healer #3

When I see you, I will give you the information you need.  Until then, please continue working on research for your science project, complete the math problems independently, and always write in your journal.

Thank you,
Ms. Bhopla

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Healer #2

Here is a typing website that you will be using daily to increase your touch typing skills.  Please practice at least 20 minutes daily.

You need to have your feel touching the ground.  You should be in a comfortable pose.

Happy typing!

Click on the image below.

Ms. Bhopla